This bill c-11 that will be implemented soon will have even you tube to utilize algorithms to propagandize you
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
CanDan News
CanDan News
I want to add one more. From nov.19/2022. Pilot who may have passed away on take off……now you may understand when I stated on one of the vids that in the UK they are removing 10,000 flights that it is more than likely due to the pilots who probably have multiple boosters to fly are either dead or
Can Dan News (Mixed Bag)
Can Dan News
And now for the defenders of “democracy” which is what I live under in Canada the correct terminology for Y’all is “representative republic” which your rulers do not know and sadly I must add the majority of the population
CanDan News
relating to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings.
a person who copies out documents, especially one employed to do this before printing was invented.
a writer, especially a journalist.
a Jewish recordkeeper or, later, a professional theologian and jurist.
a pointed instrument used for making marks on wood, bricks, etc., to guide a saw or in signwriting.
mark with a pointed instrument.
a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
a person or thing so closely associated with a particular quality or idea that the mention of their name calls it to mind.
a taxonomic name which has the same application as another, especially one which has been superseded and is no longer valid.
the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.
CanDan News
CanDan News
They are seeing this last system getting set up as we do and also some of their observations line up with what we see and believe. Such as the Sunday worship and that the mark in the forehead and hand is “what you believe and do” and the “mortal wound of the RC church.
2:20. They state the devil does not come in thru the front door…..yup I believe that even though we see the “covenant” of Daniel 9:27 we still have not seen the “he”(which still might be charles, really strong suspicion anyways)
4:18. Jesuit article
6:28 “especially Christians” discussion
11:25. Discussion on the “covenant between human beings and the environment “
13:30 discussion on “Vatican tells” beast and deadly wound
15:30 discussion on the film “the letter”? Haven’t seen it…..
16:05. Discussion on the beast= the RC system
18:15 discussion on martyred
28:20 article with “God of Joseph and Moses”. I found that interesting for in scripture it always states God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. As in exodus 3:6. Even though Jehova was the Elohim of Joseph and Moses
31:39 discussion on nov. 13 article which states “…formulated by dozens of multi faith leaders meeting in LONDON over the past few days….
Why London? Wouldn’t these multifaith leaders be at the Vatican?
Who is in London that was not at Cop 27? I know it is a rhetorical question for we know charles did not attend cop 27
Anyways they did have some articles that I was not aware of. Just sharing what I have found.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
If you wish to join us in fellowship, you can go Here on Every 7th day at 2:30pm. Click This Skype Link
If you would like to listen to our Shabbat Teachings Live, click Here at 12:00pm on the 7th Day. You can listen and chat on the same page.
CanDan News
This is the information I was mentioning about the “who” and travel in fellowship
CanDan News
When you look at the map as to where the town in Poland was hit
apparently by a “Ukrainian” missile from air defence one thing jumps
out; Poland is west of Ukraine, Russia is to the east. If it was an “air
defence” missile then you could ask why is it going to the east? What
kind of air defence missiles do they have? The narrative is set. It’s
Russia’s fault anyways so they said. Lies upon lies to make sure the
anti christ will be able to confirm the covenant “peace and security” he
will announce. I wonder if “Chuck”(Charles) will do that after his
coronation. One other point that came to mind is that the “coronation”
could be part of the confirmation process
The Epoch Times
The narrative is ramping up to crash what’s left
CanDan News
they do not do anything that does not have some deeper meaning than what we think

Monday, November 14, 2022
More from CanDan
YOUR LAST MINUTE WARNING! Son of Destruction, The Covenant is the 11th commandment announced 11/18/22 cop27 Egypt
Subject: 1.34 hours
17:10. Leader of the Anglican Protestant ChurchShalom brother. At the end of COP27 (THIS SUNDAY)The world faith leaders are to gather at Mt. SINAI for a ceremony of REPENTANCE and to announce the NEW COMMANDMENTS.
6:31. Caernaifon castle: structure mimics old city of David in Jerusalem. 1953 Dragon symbol was adopted by Wales. 1958 Queen said she created Charles(nimrod Ishtar?)
10:43. Unicorn bound by chain to “red dragon”
13:45. Queen coronated by “thy people Israel” Royal house of king David
14:18 before 1998 israel TV claim “prince Charles descendant of King David”
29:46 “Mount Sinai” COP 27: this Sunday nov. 13 prophetic call to Climate Justice and ceremony of repentance.
30:04 press conference announcements
10:00. Concrete steps for climate action
10:30. Faith leaders announce 10 commandments for climate justice
11:00. Multi faith on climate “REPENTANCE” ceremony at Mt. Sinai
30:40 1987 London agreement (peace talks between Israel and arabs) initiated by prince. Oslo security talks
32:47. Knights of prince charles. Shimon Peres, Bill Gates etc.
42 minutes. prince charles statue
45 minutes. Environmental saviour of the world “saving the world”
48:11. Main statue 10 cubits in height
49:51. 1948 Israel becomes nation. 6 months later to the day charles born. Queen calls him the chosen one.
1.25 hours. Revived Babylonian empire 1.29 hours. Message at games from his mother to “bless” the games.59:30. The 10 toes…..10 permanent members of the “security council”